Detective Conan Movie: The Story of Haibara Ai - Black Iron Mystery Train
The movie will focus on Ai Haibara's past and will reconstruct the Mystery Train arc from the television anime, which shows Haibara and Conan meeting for the first time. The movie will also include scenes from the Kurogane no Submarine (Black Iron Submarine) movie.
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quality and you can also watch on HiAnime
The movie will focus on Ai Haibara's past and will reconstruct the Mystery Train arc from the television anime, which shows Haibara and Conan meeting for the first time. The movie will also include scenes from the Kurogane no Submarine (Black Iron Submarine) movie.
japanese: 名探偵コナン 灰原哀物語~黒鉄(くろがね)のミステリートレイン~
Aired: Jan 6, 2023
Premiered: Spring 2023
Duration: 1h 31m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: 6.9
TMS Entertainment
GogoAnime is a site to watch online anime
like Detective Conan Movie: The Story of Haibara Ai - Black Iron Mystery Train online, or you
can even watch Detective Conan Movie: The Story of Haibara Ai - Black Iron Mystery Train in
HD quality